Contact Fitness Doctrine

I love receiving feedback from my everyone, so this page is the best place to reach me.

Feel free to get in touch with me with any questions or comments you may have.  I am happy to answer any of your fitness, workout, or exercises question.

You can leave a comment or email me here and I will get back to you as soon as I get done my workout.

I’m also on FaceBook and Twitter so you can get in touch with me there as well.

You’ll get a personal reply from either myself, I don’t have an assistant so it may take me a day to get back to you. Better yet please allow me 48 hours to respond, I get lots e-mail every single day.

But I will get back to you.  If you don’t see my reply do a full scan of your bulk folder or junk mail folder to ensure that your reply e-mail wasn’t mistaken as spam.

To prevent your email from getting blocked by spam filters, make sure you add me to your Safe List so my response does not go to your Bulk Folder or Junk Folder.

Jason, CSCS


Fitness Doctrine on Twitter  Fitness Doctrine on Facebook Fitness Doctrine on Youtube