Do TV Dr.’s Have Your Best Interest In Mind?


Just Because You’re Called Doctor… Does That Mean I Should Trust You?   I’ve been involved with muscle building, weight loss, and fitness all my life. I’ve seen a lot of gimmicks. Sadly, I’ve fell for a few of them myself. Like eating every 2 or 3 hours to get the metabolism and muscle building going at full…

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Gym Inspiration


Building muscle and transforming your body is easy on paper. But hard in life. The late Jack LaLanne said… “Life’s a battlefield.” . . I think he’s right. If you don’t believe the wisdom Jack shares, check out Scott’s story. After watching I’m sure you’ll agree. And be inspired. This guy fights everyday. And with…

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Are You Peeing Away Your Money?

5 Supplements Stores Can’t Keep On Their Shelves But Don’t Work! Recently, I invested in this health and fitness supplement reference guide. ( Weight loss and muscle building supplements are a multi-billion dollar a year industry. There’s so much marketing and hype, it makes it difficult to know what’s legit and what’s a scam. So this reference has…

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Rinse And Repeat Weight Loss Calorie Method

Fitness Doctrine questions answers

I’ve received a lot of questions with the same theme lately. So today I thought I’d dig in and answer a few for you. First question… Question: Jason, I don’t really know how many calories I should be eating to preserve what little mass I have left and still lose fat. 1400-1600 was the best…

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How To Burn Fat Build Muscle Transform Your Body And Get Results

The Secret To Burn Fat And Build Muscle I find it amazing where you can find lessons and the secrets to life’s problems. The other day I was thinking about what it takes to burn fat and build muscle. Maybe it was this video that got me to thinking about how people can make incredible body…

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Push Ups To Bench More?

Can push ups help you bench more? After all, when doing a typical push up, you are only pushing (at most), 70% of your body weight. I tip the scales at 210. That means when I do push ups it’s like benching 145lbs. That’s not an impressive bench for a 210lb guy. I think I…

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Alternating Lunge Jumps

How To Burn More Fat With The Lunge Jump Plyometric Exercise Fire up your metabolism with alternating lunge jumps. Plyometric exercises are a good way to boost your heart rate and add intensity to any fat burning workout. But you have to be careful with them. Because plyometric exercises are so intense, you need

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3 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises

3 Kettlebell Exercises For The Beginner   What’s old is new again. Kettlebell exercises are back in favour. They’ve been in Russia for a long time, well over 350 years.  Soviet strength and conditioning programs used them to train athletes and their soliders. Kettlebells have been so much a part of Russian life that it became…

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Bulgarian Bag Training

Transform Your Body With Bulgarian Bag Training   You may be saying Bulgarian what. It was kind of new to me too. Bulgarian Bag Training is something I was introduced to by my buddy Troy. I think you’ll love it. It’s fun, versatile, and will make the perfect addition to your home gym. If you have…

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One Rep Max Calculator

One Rep Max Calculator

Chart and Calculator To Predict Your 1 RM A One Repetition Maximum, or your 1RM is the WEIGHT you can perform an exercise with ONCE. The one rep max calculator is an essential tool when it comes to building muscle and increasing strength. Knowing your 1RM for the majority of your lifts like the bench, squat, and deadlift is needed in…

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