Muscle Building Coach Lee Hayward

Lee’s Stats:

  • Age: 30′s
  • Home: Newfoundland, Canada
  • Height: 5’6″
  • Weight: 225 lbs. Offseason
    • 195 lbs. Contest

Best Lifts:

  • Bench Press: 445 lbs.
  • Squat: 525 lbs.
  • Deadlift: 530 lbs.

Not only does Lee help others get ready to step on stage but he is a competitive bodybuilder himself.

  • Started Working Out In: 1990
  • Started Competing In Bodybuilding: 1995

About Lee Hayward

Lee got into lifting at the age of 12 after watching Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Conan movies. Blown away with Arnold's physique and what someone can do with their body, Lee instantly wanted to get big and ripped to look like a real life comic book super hero.

At 12 years old Lee started doing push ups and sit ups in his bedroom everyday before school, thinking that by the end of the school year he would look like Arnold. That didn't quite happen but it did get him started on the right path.

Lee was so excited to build a muscular physique that at the age of 12 he asked for a weight set for Christmas. Christmas was still a long way away yet and Lee couldn't wait to build muscle so he started everyday by doing push ups and sit ups.

When Christmass finally rolled around Lee remembers how excited he was Christmas morning when he woke up and saw this HUGE box under the Christmas tree.

After ripping through all the fancy wrapping paper and colored bows there was a York 2001 home gym machine and a York barbell and dumbbell set. Lee was so pumped he set up his home gym that day and I did his first official weight training workout on Christmas day 1990.

From that day on Lee was hooked on weight training. There wasn't a day that went by that you wouldn't find Lee in the basement working out.

Lee became obsessed with learning everything he could about muscle building and nutrition. Lee would read every bodybuilding and fitness magazine that he could get my hands on buying magazines and going to the library to check books out. He would even record all the bodybuilding competitions on TV.

While in his last year of high school Lee entered his first Bodybuilding contest, The 1995 Newfoundland Provincials. Since then Lee has competed almost every year.

While at University Lee learned the basic class on writing HTML and designing websites and took this knowledge to start his website. In  January of 1999 Lee published his site, and everyday since he has been focused on improving it, adding more useful information, and making it better.

Through Lee's website he has been able to help literally thousands of aspiring bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts from all over the world with their training and nutrition programs.

Lee's Popular Programs