Want Faster Results?

Get Your Perfect Body With Online Personal Coaching

Get started with Online Coaching and I'll help you end the confusion and frustration around exercise and nutrition You'll look and feel better in 90 days or less without the ups and downs or frustrations of typical cookie cutter programs.

With all the fitness and nutrition advice available, it's next to impossible to figure out what's right and what's wrong.

To make matters worse...

go searching for an answer and all you come up with is conflicting information.

How in the world can you decide what eating and exercising strategies work, let alone what's right for you?

The harsh reality is, you can’t. Trying to do so will only cause your results to grind to a halt and make your blood boil.

That's Where I Come In

As a qualified coach, my job is to find the right path for you.

One that allows you to get results and live a full life. One where you can get lean, fit, and strong while enjoying life outside the gym.

Losing belly fat and getting fit doesn't have to include missing out on the fun things in life. You can have both. You should have both.

Here’s the thing...

I don't offer a quick-fix program or a short-term diet. If that's what you're looking for, I'm not the coach for you.

What I do is different.

My exclusive coaching program is designed to help you get your perfect body by creating a workout and nutrition program that fits into your lifestyle.

One that changes and grows with YOU.

The focus of the program is YOU.

Everything is designed around YOU.

Workouts are customized to fit your schedule, while the diet is designed to please your palate and your physique.

Working Together

The advantage of personalized coaching is that everything is designed to fit your needs, lifestyle, and goals.

You will end the frustration of having to search for answers.

Send me your questions. I'll work out the details and put something together that works for you.

Not only does this make for a more effective program and quicker results, but it creates something you can live with.

If you ever run into difficulties... I’ll help you break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

If you found your workouts too easy... I’ll set you up with something more challenging.

Together we can make the perfect program. More enjoyable. More results.

VIP Coaching Program

Every other week, you'll receive a live 30 minute coaching call from me.

This dedicated time will give you the opportunity to discuss, in depth, what has worked, and what may need improvements. From there, we'll work together to make the appropriate adjustments.

I’ll help you develop a plan of attack, so you can walk away from our call and know exactly what you need to do over the next two weeks. Each call will help move you that much closer to your goal.

This Isn't For Everyone

I've helped lots of people get in the best shape of their lives, but realize private coaching isn’t for everyone.

It isn’t cheap. It isn't easy.

If you want a change, are willing to invest in yourself, and want a clear path to the body you deserve. Personal coaching is for YOU. Apply here.

Space Is Limited.

Because this is so personalized and hands-on I am only able to work with a few committed people at one time.

If you think a personalized plan and coaching will help you get your perfect body apply now.

Click the button below to see if space is still available and if you qualify.

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What You Get

  • Personalized Workout Program

    Everyone is slightly different and their program should reflect that.

    Each month you’ll receive a new workout routine that’s been designed for you, your needs, and your circumstances.

    You’ll have a workout routine that changes as you change. You’ll always get the perfect plan for the quickest results.

  • Video Coaching

    Not sure if you’re doing an exercise right?

    Get the most out of every exercise with technique analyses.

    Send in unlimited videos of you doing exercises you’re having trouble with or not sure if the technique is right.

    I’ll send back tips and tricks to keep you safe and on track.

    Not only will this help to keep you safe and healthy, it’ll fine tune your exercises so you get the most out of them. This can bring even faster, better, and targeted results.

  • Private Contact Info

    You get my private contact information.

    Use it anytime you have a problem or question. Or just need some support and motivation.

    As a coach, I have the responsibility to help you along the way, so I make myself available, whenever you need it.

  • Schedule Coaching Calls

    We’ll set up regularly scheduled Coaching Calls to keep your progress on track.

    These calls will allow you to express what’s working and what you’d like to see tweaked.

    This also builds in an element of accountability. I’m committing to YOU. I get to see if you’re committed to YOU.

  • Exercise Tutorials

    Access to the exercise Tutorial database.

    Pictures are worth a thousand words. Sometimes text descriptions aren’t enough to get a clear idea of how an exercise is to be done. Video provides the perfect demonstration tool.

    You can access the database anywhere. Forget an exercise. Pull up the demo, then get back to your workout.

  • Nutrition Planning

    Knowing what to eat and when is an important aspect to any fitness program.

    Nutrition may be the most confusing and conflicting component of a fitness plan. That all stops here. Get detailed shopping and menu suggestions.

    You’ll eat well and continue to get closer to your goal.

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Benefits Of Personal Coaching

  • Accountability - Sometimes we need a little extra push. Knowing that there's always someone in your corner, can help keep you moving forward and on track.
  • Feedback & Support - You're not alone. As your coach, you'll always have someone to discuss new ideas or any challenges you may face along the way.
  • Freshness & Variety - New workouts every month. Never get bored. Keep the mind interested and the body guessing. As you improve get new workouts to match.
  • Food Planning - No need to eat bland foods. I'll show you exactly how you can enjoy your favorite foods and still reach your goals.
  • Personalized - You get a workout designed specifically for YOU. All workouts are based on your access to equipment, your time, and your goals.
  • Email support - You'll always have access to me through email. Questions, concerns, or support is always at your fingertips.
  • Technique Analysis - Without a watchful eye, it's difficult to know if your technique is correct. Send me your videos. I'll comment and make suggestions so you get the most out of every exercise. It's the next best thing to me being there.
get started now

Want Faster Results?

Get Support and Guidance Every Step Of The Way
And Guarantee Your Success

As a qualified coach, my job is to find the right path for you. One that allows you to get quick, safe results.

My most important role is to help keep you on track.

As many I've coached in the past will tell you, the ongoing support has been the key to their success.

Just like you, before they got started they didn't question the successful results of others. Their biggest concern was... will it work for me?

Sure it's worked for others. But I'm different!

I have kids. I have a stressful job. I have bad genetics. I have...

I totally understand. I've had the same worries in my own life.

But that's where the power of personal coaching really comes into play.

I design a plan that does work for you. You're not getting another cookie cutter solution. Everything is planned around you and your life, so it does work for you.

Let's talk. Click the button below and apply now...

Yes! I Want To Apply.Click Here To Start.

Here’s How It Works

I will work with you as your personal coach. With input from you. I design all your nutrition and exercise routines.

You’ll have exclusive access to me. To ask questions, submit videos to help with your form, or simply reach out for motivation and inspiration.

Coaching isn't limited to your monthly training programs and nutritional guidance. I'm there for moral support too. Because the mental component is what allows you to achieve lasting results. No longer will you be fighting against yourself. As you grow strong, healthy, and fit, your subconscious will shift. It will start to work for you, not against you.

The bottom line is.

I'm here for you.

Private coaching isn't for everyone. It isn't cheap. It isn't easy. But it's worth it.

Are you ready?

Do you want a change?

Are willing to invest in yourself?

Do you want a clear path to the body you deserve?

Get Started Now...


I look forward to helping you get your perfect body.

Jason Fitness Doctrine

Get Your Perfect Body
Click The Button Below To Get Started Today

Yes! I Want To Apply.Click Here To Get Started.