This is a review of a workout for guys looking to get a fitness model look, the Visual impact Muscle Building Program for a lean muscular physique. A Non-Bodybuilding Approach to Getting in Great Shape!
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Visual Impact Muscle Building Overview
What it is
Visual Impact is a body transformation workout program designed to give you that Hollywood star or fitness model build. It is a three phase 6 month long muscle building, nutrition, and cardio program to get guys lean and muscular at the same time.
There are a few things that make Visual Impact Muscle Building different from any other muscle building products on the market…
- strategic targeted muscle building for the most visually appealing physique
- it is not a body building program so you avoid that big and bulky look
- you can use you favorite form of resistance training and still follow the program exactly as laid out
Who put it together
Visual Impact Muscle Building was written by Rusty Moore, the man behind the popular site Fitness Black Book.
Rusty practices what he preaches. For over 25 years he has been working out and exercising, putting everything he writes about to the test.
In addition to time in the gym Rusty is a tireless researcher, always studding the newest research and reports. To ensure he hasn’t missed anything Rusty has a large circle of cutting edge fitness experts that he consults with to ensure he produces the very best, most useful information available.
Who is Visual Impact Muscle Building For
Guys who want to have a body that women consider attractive!
Visual Impact Muscle Building is tailored to men. But due to an overwhelming number of requests Rusty, modified the program for his female readers and has created Visual Impact for Women. Today I will only be sticking with the Visual Impact Muscle Building Review for men.
Guys Visual Impact Muscle Building has been put together with you in mind. The workout is designed to help you shape your body to get the most appealing male physique. The goal of the workout program is to help you transform your body so you get that fitness model or movie star look.
By following the techniques in Visual Impact Muscle Building, you will be able to attain a great looking body which most women love, find sexy, and attractive.
Rusty designed Visual Impact Muscle Building for guys looking to get a particular look, fitness models, and movie sex symbols. Because tests have shown that the majority of women consider a cretin physique of guys sexy Rusty has put together a program that will help guys get those desirable physical traits…
- broad masculine shoulders
- full strong chest
- v shape tapper
- flat stomach
- strong well defined arms
If you think this program is for you
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What’s in Visual Impact Muscle Building
The program contains 4 core elements
- Workout Manual
- Exercise Demonstration Manual
- Printable Reports And Training Logs
- Supplement Conspiracy E-Book
Visual Impact Muscle Building Workout Manual
The meat of the program is a detailed 72 page no fluff workout manual. To help you transform your body and get that fitness model look Rusty has broken the program into different phases. Each of the 3 phases lasts approximately 8 weeks. Added all together it makes a 6 month program.
Because everyone is a little different Rusty has created each phase to be independent that way you are able to spend more or less time on each one of the phases depending on your goals and current fitness level.
Phase 1 – Muscle Building
Phase 2 – Strength Building
Phase 3 – Fat Burning
Bonus Phase – The Shrink Wrap Effect
Visual Impact Phases
The first phase of Visual Impact is muscle building, but this isn’t your typical meathead program. This is not a bodybuilding program! Rusty has put together a strategic approach that is unique to muscle building programs.
The workout is designed to put muscle on only in the areas that create the most attractive and visually physique like your shoulders, chest, and arms.
Phase 2 of the program is the strength building phase. It is not your typical strength building phase. Remember this isn’t a performance based program but a body transformation program. That means you shouldn’t expect to break and gym records. You will get stronger though, but that is to harden your muscles and make them full and dense.
The third phase is about maximum density and shedding body fat. What you can expect here is to drop body fat and harden your muscles. You will look strong and fit.
The bonus phase is different than anything I have seen before. Rusty calls this the shrink wrap effect. This phase is about looking your best. Rusty goes through is an advanced technique to insure that you look as sharp as possible, and you can do this at anytime for a special event. Here you will maximize your muscle definition with deep cuts and jaw dropping abs.
Visualize shrink wrapping your skin around you muscles. Just like you see actors like New Moon Star Taylor Lautner, and Daniel Craig as James Bond.
The cool thing is that it doesn’t just involve getting down to a low body fat percentage, and you can maintain that look for an extended period of time.
Exercise Demonstration Manual
The visual Impact Muscle Building program also comes with a 227 page book loaded with exercise demonstrations and photos for every muscle group. For ease of use this ebook organized and has clickable navigation. Just click on chest exercises and get a list of all the chest exercises. From that list you are able to click the individual exercise and be taken to that page for a full description and photos.
You will never run out of exercise ideas to target any particular body part.
Printable Reports And Training Logs
With these easy to print and follow training logs it will be easy to keep track of your progress and workouts.
One of the keys to building a better body is consistently improving. Without these logs it is difficult to keep track of previous workouts. A easy to follow training journal will allow you to look back at previous workouts and see if you need to add more weight or get in an extra rep so that you continue to improve.
Review of Visual Impact Muscle Building’s Bad Points
With any product there are going to be some shortcomings and Visual Impact Muscle Building isn’t any different.
If you are considering buying this program there are a few things to keep in mind.
The first two flaws are more like warnings than flaws because Visual Impact Muscle Building doesn’t claim to be something its not. Actually Rusty goes out of his way to say that this isn’t a sports performance or bodybuilding program.
- This is not a bodybuilding program! You will build muscle and get a little bigger. But not to the extent that you would following a typical bodybuilder routine
- you will not break any records in your gym, you will get stronger but not like you would if you were to follow a powerlifter or football strength program
- your legs will not get developed, leg training is largely neglected
- there is a major time investment, if you are looking for a quick fix this is not the answer
What I liked about Visual Impact Muscle Building
I would have to say the best thing about Rusty’s program is the break down of the phases and the flexibility it creates. Even though this is a 6 month program you have the tools to use the program indefinitely. If for some reason you to to shorten the program it can be condensed so you are able to complete it in 4 months.
The modular approach allows you stick with a phase that is most needed. You will love the flexibility if you have an event you want to look your best for. Taking a cruise or summer is around the corner. No worries, you are able to go to the bonus section and spend some time shrink wrapping your muscles to look hard and lean. Feel confident and proud when you take your shirt off.
One other aspect of the program that proved to be very helpful was the Q and A section. No matter how well a program is laid out there are always questions. Rusty found durring his bata testing that some of the same questions would come up, so he decided to include a Q and A section.
It does a good job of answering practically any question that may may come up as you go through the program.
Conclusion to Visual Impact Muscle Building Review
Visual Impact program is not a bodybuilding program. It is designed to make you look good naked not huge or super strong. The three phases laid out in the manual help you do this in logical easy to follow manner. Rusty has created an easy to read manual that will keep you interested, this is not a dry how to manual.
At just $37 Visual Impact costs less than a training session with most personal trainers. And it is flexible enough that this could be the last program you ever need to buy. With a 60-days money back guarantee you can feel safe about your investment.
If you are looking to get as big and strong as possible this program is not for you.
But if you are looking to get lean and have a muscular build Visual Impact muscle building is an awesome choice.
Getting “lean and sharp” requires a different type of workout program and weight training, not what you see the majority of the guys in the gym doing. I believe that Visual Impact Muscle Building can help you get that movie star look.
I have found that the program works.
To give it a try or get more information. Fill in info below.
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