Training Your Core With The Dead Bug Exercise

Total Ab Training - Core Workouts That Get Results

The Dead Bug Core Exercise

The dead bug is a great core exercises with lots of progressions.

How To Do The Dead Bug

Even though there are a number of different variations the basics remain the same.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back.
  2. Rotate your pelvis up so lower back is flush against the floor.
  3. Arms are extend straight overhead. Legs are bent at 90 degrees (if you were up right it would look like you’re sitting in a chair).
  4. Brace your core and lower one leg to the floor. Heel touches then you return to starting position.
  5. Repeat with other leg.
  6. Alternate legs until you reach your rep count.

Dead Bug Exercise Key Points

  • Keep core tight. Only go as far as you can and maintain core bracing.
  • The straighter the legs the more difficult the exercise becomes.
  • Move slow and controlled.

Dead Bug Variations

Ballon Dead Bug Exercise

  • Same rules apply here. The only difference is the breathing.
  • Before your move fill your belly with air. See your stomach expand, not the ribs.
  • Go to end range of movement. Stay there while you fully exhale all the air from your lungs. Should see your belly get smaller.

Other Dead Bug Variations

There are a number of different variations of the dead bug exercise.

Variations run the full gambit from beginner to advanced. This makes it easy to find a difficulty to match your fitness level.

With all the variety you have plenty to choose when it comes to mixing up your workout.

The Counterbalance Dead Bug

The PNF Dead Bug

Band Dead Bugs

As the name implies this is a dead bug variation using a band.

  1. Lie on your back 2 or 3 feet from the band's anchor point. Facing away from the anchor point grab a handle in each hand.
  2. Raise your legs so your hips and knees are both bent 90 degrees. Keep the natural curve in your spine with your hips and upper back touching the floor.
  3. Keep your shoulders pressed into the floor and raise your arms straight overhead. (They’re perfectly vertical and in line with your shoulders.) The band should be tight with a slight pull backwards.
  4. From there... Take in a big breath. Then slowly exhale and straighten and lower your right leg. Stop when you lose the arch in your back or your foot is about an inch off the ground.
  5. Bring your right leg back to the start
  6. Repeat on your left leg.

Dead Bugs With Weight Plates

This variation is a lot like the band dead bug.

The extra weight requires greater core stability. Don't go crazy and try it with 45 lb plates in each hand.

All the rules as before apply:

  • keep the rips down
  • only extend the legs as far as your strength will allow

Wall Dead Bug Progression

This variation is a lot like the band dead bug.

The extra weight requires greater core stability. Don't go crazy and try it with 45 lb plates in each hand.

All the rules as before apply:

  • keep the rips down
  • only extend the legs as far as your strength will allow

Killer Core Exercises Worth Trying

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