Mike The Situation Workout

Mike The Situation Workout Can it Give You theFitness Model Look

Mike The Situation Workout

Can it Give You the

Fitness Model Look?


Have you heard of  the Mike The Situation Workout Routine.

Does this celebrity workout deliver?

Can Mike help you get a situation of your own?

I don’t watch much TV. But, I still try and keep up to date on what the latest trends are because I’m always interested in seeing what’s hot and what people are turning to with respect to fitness and nutrition.

When I first heard of the Situation I had no idea what people were talking about. Then recently I came across The Situation Workout.

At first glance I thought it was some sort of promo for his television show, Jersey Shore. But, for some reason I couldn’t turn away. I continued to watch this clip and soon realized this was a clip from his workout video.

There may be a few of you out there who, like me, had no idea of who this guy was. Well let me give you a little background.

Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino…

Mike is best known for being a reality TV personality. I think it was MTV’s Jersey Shore where he made his start. I haven’t seen the show, don’t really watch TV all that much. Though I do have to admit, I enjoy Spartacus. Once in a while you will even catch them doing some old school strength training.

Anyway, I can’t tell you if the show is still on the air or if Mike is still a regular. I think he has capitalized on his fame and makes lots of celebrity appearances and gigs like that.

Before Mike became a celebrity he did some underwear modeling along with holding down a job at a fitness center. From what I can telll he was some sort of manager and did some personal training at the gym. This isn’t a celebrity gossip site, so I am not positive on all those details.

I can believe he did do some modeling. Mike does look as though he’s in decent shape. He does have that lean muscular look with a flat stomach and visible abs.

The Situation

I am sure you have heard of people naming body parts, like Mr. Happy. Well Mike took this idea and ran with it. He named his abs. That’s right, The Situation, is the name he gave his abs.

Just because this guy has a flat stomach, and is a celebrity, does that make him a fitness expert? Is the guy qualified to sell workout tapes? He is not alone though. Others have take advantage of their celebrity and fame to sell products. The latest is Tracy Anderson. I would argue that her stuff isn’t worth the plastic cover the DVD comes in. Looking back we have had La Toya Jackson’s Step Up Workout, Natalie Cassidy’s Then and Now workout, and lets not forget Ginger Spice and Geri Yoga.

When I first saw The Situation Workout promo video, I though it was an advertisement for the show. Then I saw it for sale on Amazon. That made me take a closer look at. As you would expect, the reviews were mixed.  One guy says “this is not a joke.” Another guy said Mike’s workout routine is “like an extremely simplified version of p90x with about 1/10 of the material and instruction.” But in general most though it was a decent workout. Not too tough, definitely not something you would recommend to an advance gym rat.

Take a look at the clips below and see for yourself.

The Situation Workout

Jersey Shore Star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino DVD trailer

Mike The Situation Workout DVD ← Find Out More

Below are a couple of videos of The Situation in action. I have to admit, I find it very difficult to take this guy seriously. As a rule of thumb…

Don’t take advice from famous people who got that way for doing stupid things.

Take Paris Hilton for example, she is in the news because of all the dumb things she does. Mike isn’t all that different. He and his Situation are famous for acting crazy and going shirtless all the time.  He may have great abs, but that doesn’t qualify him as an “expert.”

Getting Abs The Situation Tells All

This video gives you a peek into Mike’s methods. I don’t agree with much this guy says, but I have to say he does toss out a good nugget in there…

Eat right and don’t drink your calories.

The downfall with this is that he only suggests you do that when striving for a goal. Mike believes you can return to the junk food once your happy with your physique. This, I totally take issue and disagree with. Why go back to bad habits and junk calories? You don’t want to have to chase your goal again. 

As I mentioned before…

When I first saw this video, I thought it was a promotional piece for his reality TV show, the Jersey shore. But apparently this is the real deal. The Situation has a workout routine DVD. After you have seen the videos, or if you have bought the workout I would love to hear your thought. Leave me a comment below.

While you wait for your copy of Mike’s DVD to arrive in the mail, grab this free e-course. Get started on your own situation with these free videos, special reports, and workout routines. Discover how to get that lean muscular look that celebrities and fitness models have. Discover how to burn fat and build muscle for a killer body.

Get The Shrink Wrap Effect and discover how to get the fitness model look.

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