Metabolic Resistance Training

burn fat and build muscle with metabolic resistance training

Discover How To Lose Fat And Build Stamina

With Metabolic Resistance Training System

Metabolic Resistance Training

What is it?

Is it really the best way to train for fat loss?

Metabolic Resistance Training or MRT for short are short workouts that combine cardio and strength training. They’re designed to burn fat and maintain, and in some cases build muscle.

Metabolic resistance training workouts fuses together bodybuilding set and rep schemes with an interval training twist for a total body workout routine.

When it comes to bodybuilding workouts you are building muscle, which is metabolic, but in most cases it is concentrating on one muscle group at a time.

In the following video Craig gives you a good introduction into…

Metabolic Resistance Training


As you can see you have a few options when it comes to metabolic resistance training workouts, you can add in a greater interval training response for fat burning. You’ll love it when you use some

A MRT workout may contain two parts:

  1. classic heavy resistance
  2. classic high rep metabolic conditioning style workout

You have the option to do either style or you can combine the two for a killer fat loss work out routine.

Basically you are using resistance training as the foundation of your fat loss program. Your goal is to work your entire body hard, frequently, and with an intensity that creates a massive “metabolic disturbance” creating an afterburn that will leave your metabolism elevated for several hours after your workout has been completed.

There has been an evolution of metabolic resistance training that has brought a powerful fat loss workout and is everywhere in the research of health and fitness. Metabolic resistance training is being phased into,

  • bootcamp workouts
  • bodybuilders
  • Olympic lifters
  • especially in bodyweight exercise workout programs.

These workouts are fun, fast, effective, and even give you a bit of that bodybuilder pump and fatigue. But most important of all, is that you see results.

One of the keys to metabolic resistance training is that you don’t have long rest periods between sets like a typical powerlifter or bodybuilder. In fact, your workouts are designed to be done in giant sets. You basically go from exercise to exercise with as little rest as possible, but you still maintaining a high level of intensity in each exercise and throughout your training session.

So get ready to achieve more with your workouts – and get faster fat burning results than you have gotten with any other program. Metabolic resistance training is the hottest thing going in the fat loss world today and I believe it is going to be the standard when it comes to rapid weight loss.  No other system burns fat like metabolic resistance training.

It’s all about working your metabolic systems for maximum calorie burning, while only permitting yourself to have incomplete recovery. These are the intense workouts you’ve been looking for. No more slow, boring, monotonous cardio workouts that take forever. Gone are the days of slow cardio for weight loss.

If you are looking for a workout that is fast and effective click the link below and give a metabolic resistance training workout a try…

 metabolic resistance training