One Rep Max Calculator

One Rep Max Calculator

Chart and Calculator To Predict Your 1 RM

A One Repetition Maximum, or your 1RM is the WEIGHT you can perform an exercise with ONCE.

The one rep max calculator is an essential tool when it comes to building muscle and increasing strength. Knowing your 1RM for the majority of your lifts like the bench, squat, and deadlift is needed in order to plan out an effective workout routine. Without knowing how much you can lift, it’s difficult to add progression into your workout. The weight will always be too light or too heavy causing your sets and reps to be too scattered. This will prevent you from having quick results.

1RM Calculators and Charts…

One Rep Max Calculator Reliability

Everyone is slightly different. Some people are do well with high reps, while others have a tough time with repetition lifts. Because of these differences it is difficult to make a one size fits all rep max formula.

However, you’ll find that most one RM calculator equations used are surprisingly accurate. The calculator here has been shown to predict people’s 1RM to within roughly 5% of actual achieved 1RM values. This accuracy holds true for both the bench press and the squat.

If you bench 225 for 6 reps your one rep maximum is estimated to be at 280lbs. Some people will hit that. Others can expect to exceed the prediction and bench as much as 290. Others may fall short and max out at 265.

For the deadlift there is a greater variance.  There is roughly a 10% difference for some in their actual achieved 1RM values and their predicted max.

As the reps increase so does the chance for error. A predicted max off a 2 rm will be way more accurate than that of a 1 rm. The strength and experience of the lifter has an effect on the accuracy of the 1RM calculator too. In general, a 1RM calculator will return more accurate results for an experienced weightlifter.

1 Rep Max Calculator

Online Calculator

Note: This calculator uses a formula that is a little on the high side. The 1RM predictions tend to be about 5% high. For some the numbers will work but others will need to make some minor adjustments.

For bragging purposes this produces a nice result. But for training purposes use 90% of your one rep max to work off of. This will give you room to progress.

Example: If your max is 300lbs and your program tells you to use 80% I recommend you use 270 as your max. Then take 80% of that. You would end up using 215 as your working weight.

Estimated Reps at Percent of 1 Repetition

You would use this table to help gauge percentages. If a program suggest you use a weight that you can do for about 10 reps you can look at the chart and know thats about 75% of what you can lift once.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15
%1RM Brzycki 100 95 90 88 86 83 80 78 76 75 72 70
Beachle 100 95 93 90 87 85 83 80 77 75 67 65
dos Remedios 100 92 90 87 85 82 75 70 65 60

Use the table below to estimate your one repetition maximum from reps performed at different weights.

How To Use The Table

  • The first column all the way to the left is the weight that you are using.
  • Across the top is the repetitions you were able to to.
  • Follow the line across until it meets the downward column of the reps you did. The weight at this intersection is your estimated one repetition maximum.

Quick Example

For simplicity we will say that you’re working to increase your bench and  just benched 135 for 8 reps. To find your 1RM look for 135 on the left hand column.  On the top row find 8, for the reps you just did. Now slide your finger across the page from 135 until you reach the column for 8 reps.

You will see 167 where the two meet. This is your estimated 1RM.

lbs / Reps 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
135 143 147 151 156 159 163 167 171 176
145 154 158 162 167 171 175 180 184 189
155 164 169 174 183 188 192 197 202 207
165 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215
175 186 191 196 201 207 212 217 222 228
185 196 202 207 213 218 224 229 235 241
195 207 213 218 224 230 236 242 248 254
205 217 223 230 236 242 248 254 260 267
215 228 234 241 247 254 260 267 273 280
225 239 245 252 259 266 272 279 286 293
235 249 256 263 270 277 284 291 298 306
245 260 267 274 282 289 296 304 311 319
255 270 278 286 293 301 308 316 324 332
265 281 289 297 305 313 321 329 337 345
275 292 300 308 316 325 333 341 349 358
285 302 311 319 328 336 345 353 362 371
295 313 322 330 339 348 357 366 374 384
305 323 332 342 351 360 369 378 387 397
315 334 343 353 362 372 381 391 400 410
325 345 354 364 373 384 393 403 413 423
335 355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425 436
345 366 376 386 397 407 417 428 438 449
355 376 387 398 408 419 430 440 451 462
365 387 398 409 420 431 442 453 464 478
375 398 409 420 431 443 454 465 476 488
385 408 420 431 443 454 466 477 489 501
395 419 431 442 454 466 478 490 502 514
405 429 441 454 466 478 490 502 514 527
415 440 452 465 477 490 502 514 527 539
425 450 463 476 489 501 514 527 540 552
435 461 474 487 500 513 526 539 552 565
445 471 485 498 511 525 538 551 565 578
455 482 496 510 523 537 550 564 577 591
460 476 497 513 529 543 561 577 593 610
465 481 502 518 535 549 567 584 600 616
470 486 508 524 541 555 573 590 606 623
475 492 513 530 546 561 580 596 613 629
480 497 518 535 552 566 586 602 619 636
485 502 524 541 558 572 592 609 626 643
490 507 529 546 564 578 598 615 632 649
495 512 535 552 569 584 604 621 639 656
500 518 540 558 575 590 610 628 645 663
505 523 545 563 581 596 616 634 651 669
510 528 551 569 587 602 622 640 658 676
515 533 556 574 592 608 628 646 664 682
520 538 562 580 598 614 634 653 671 689
525 543 567 585 604 620 641 659 677 696
530 549 572 591 610 625 647 665 684 702
535 554 578 597 615 631 653 671 690 709
540 559 583 602 621 637 659 678 697 716
545 564 589 608 627 643 665 684 703 722
550 569 594 613 633 649 671 690 710 729
555 574 599 619 638 655 677 697 716 735
560 580 605 624 644 661 683 703 722 742
565 585 610 630 650 667 689 709 729 749
570 590 616 636 656 673 695 715 735 755
575 595 621 641 661 679 702 722 742 762
580 600 626 647 667 684 708 728 748 769
585 605 632 652 673 690 714 734 755 775
590 611 637 658 679 696 720 740 761 782
595 616 643 663 684 702 726 747 768 788
600 621 648 669 690 708 732 753 774 795

How to calculate your 1rm

Remember all 1RM calculators are rough prediction tools. You will never really know your true rep max unless you get under the weight. But the charts and calculator above are a good starting place.