Visual Impact Cardio May Be The Best Way To Lose Weight And Look Great
My buddy Rusty Moore has just released his third course, Visual Impact Cardio, Mastering The Skill Of Losing Body Fat.
Cardio training is an essential part your you workout program. When it comes to looking your best, it takes more than diet. You need to do cardio to really get lean and look great.
But, not all cardio workouts are created equal.
Rusty’s Visual Impact Cardio is different than your typical weight loss product. That is in part because Rusty is a pioneer when it comes to designing workouts and in his newest program you’ll see for yourself. Rusty includes the best strategies, and advanced techniques for an effective fat burning workout. He didn’t want to create another product that clutters up the marketplace. He wanted to create something different.
The purpose of this ecourse is to teach you one thing...
to master the skill of losing body fat.
Rusty Moore
Visual Impact Cardio
Did he succeed?
Visual Impact Cardio Review
A “Progressive Cardio System” that Leads to Steady Fat Loss With Minimal Sticking Points.
Rusty produces such great programs I wanted to share his newest baby with you as soon as I could. After thoroughly going through Rust’y new Visual Impact Cardio program I eager to share the basics with you.
Your Solution to Overcoming Fat Loss Sticking Points.
Visual Impact Cardio Details
Price: $47
Program Goal: Weight Loss, Fat Burning
Claim: Your Solution to Overcoming Fat Loss Sticking Points.
Author: Rusty Moore
Format: e-book
Delivery: Instant online download
Guarantee: 8-week %100 satisfaction
VIC Chapter 1: Calories Burned After Exercise Don’t Amount to Much
- Here Rusty talks about just how may calories are burned after exercise. Find out if it is enough for short sessions or do you need longer workouts
VIC Chapter 3: Calories Burned: Intervals Vs Steady State
- Intervals or steady state cardio, Rusty reveals what’s your most effective option.
VIC Chapter 6: Calorie Deficit, Calories Burned, & Fat Loss
- Discover how to ensure your weight loss is fat, not muscle and water.
VIC Chapter 7: Burning Stubborn Body Fat
- Finally, a resource that shows you how to burn those last 10 pounds of body fat.
VIC Chapter 8: Calories, Food, and Workout Timing
- The secret calorie counting method for continued fat loss.
VIC Chapter 9: Improving Popular Fat Loss Programs
- Discover how to take your favorite exercise program and make it better at burning fat.
VIC Chapter 10: Separating Fat Loss & Resistance Training
- How to use strength training to maximize your results to lose more weight.
VIC Chapter 12: The Beginner’s Cycle
- Because everyone starts at a different level Rusty has included a stage for everyone.
VIC Chapter 13: The Intermediate Cycle
- Progression is everything when it comes to fitness, this prevents your from plateauing.
VIC Chapter 14: The Advanced Cycle
- For those of you who want to push the limits, this chapter is for you.
VIC Chapter 15: The Maintenance Plan
- Now that you have reached your goal, Rusty tells you how to keep that great looking body you have worked so hard to get.
Those are just some of the highlights of Rusty’s 99 page Visual Impact Cardio Program. The entire course and every chapter is jammed packed with information.
In addition to the science, theory and workouts Rusty goes into nutrition and calories. He lays out a simple formula to calculate your calorie needs in order for you to reach your target weight.
He even throws in a few sample meals and diet plans to help you get the most out of your cardio.
Like I said, I haven’t had a chance to did into the program but I know Rusty and I know how much time and effort he has put into Visual Impact Cardio. From what I can see thus far, his hard work shows.
This is a cardio book. It covers everything you need to know about cardio but is light in the diet department. Rusty does provide some basic guidelines. But as he puts it…
“I’ve always been hesitant to give exact meal plans. I simply don’t believe in forcing you to eat anything you don’t want to eat.”
He talks about timing, moderation , and carbs. But you won’t get any recipes. I have a few to get you started. You can grab them here —> Tasty Diet Recipes
The big question…
Does Visual Impact Cardio actually work?
To be honest I can’t answer that yet. I will let you know after I thoroughly read it over and test it personally. But with my previous experiences with Rusty’s Visual Impact products, I’d say it definitely will.
There is a 60 day 100% money back guarantee so if you can’t wait for my full review you can try it out for yourself, at no risk. After you go through it I would love to hear your thoughts.
Go take a look at his sales page, it has some free solid information, well worth the read.
Visual Impact Cardio